Encouraging Different Activities
Admission Enquiry
Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy
We at Epistemo Vikas Leadership School, value and respect everyone in our community and work as a team to provide learning experiences which support and inspire high achievement for all and also ensure a caring, safe and welcoming environment;
The purpose of this document is to ensure that all students of Epistemo Vikas Leadership School computing facilities are aware of the School policies relating to their use and follow all Epistemo Vikas Leadership School ICT policies and guidelines and to seek advice in case of doubt.
The following policy helps to define appropriate and acceptable use by students and also identify student responsibilities, and outline procedures for enforcing the behaviour on the Internet and handling violations.
Epistemo Vikas Leadership School does not attempt to control the Internet environment for students. At the same time, we wish to make certain that parents are aware of an individual student's responsibility when using the Internet at home.
Key Principles and Rules: Students
- The School is providing the learning platforms and an email system to students to support their academic progress and development.
- Students are expected to use the Internet responsibly and productively.
- Students will be responsible for their behaviour when using the Internet. This includes resources they access and the language they use.
- Students should not allow others to use their email account.
- Unacceptable use of School technology and resources may be summarised as, but not restricted to:
- Creating, displaying or transmitting material that is fraudulent or otherwise unlawful, likely to cause offence or inappropriate
- Sharing any offensive material which may include content that is abusive, racist, considered to be of an extreme or terrorist related nature, sexist, homophobic, any form of bullying, pornographic, defamatory or criminal activity
- Threatening, intimidating or harassing staff, students or others
- Intellectual property rights infringement, including copyright, trademark, patent, design and moral rights
- Defamation
- Any other conduct which may discredit or harm the School, its Staff, community or the ICT Facilities
- All the data that is composed, transmitted and/or received by Epistemo Vikas Leadership School is considered to belong to Epsitemo and is recognized as part of its official data. It is therefore subject to disclosure for legal reasons or to other appropriate third parties.
- E-Mail messages must be treated like any other formal written communication. E-Mail messages cannot be considered to be private, secure or temporary.
- All allocated usernames, passwords and email addresses are for the exclusive use of the individual to whom they are allocated. Students are personally responsible and accountable for all activities carried out under their username. The password associated with a particular personal username must not be divulged to any other person.
- Students must use their School email accounts for any email communication with staff. Communication either from a personal email account or to a member of staff's personal email account is not permitted and considered
- The school reserves the right to monitor and access data that is composed, sent or received through its email account and learning platforms, at any time, for specific instances in which there is good cause for such monitoring or some legal obligation to do so.
- Emails sent via the school email system should not contain content that is deemed to be offensive. This includes, though is not restricted to, the use of vulgar or harassing/abusive language/images, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the school;
- Students are expected to support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community.
- Students should understand that these rules are designed to keep them safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied and your parent/ guardian will be contacted.
- Students should be dressed appropriately for video conference / live classroom session.
- Students should MUTE their microphone when joining a video conference / live classroom. This is to make sure that background noise is not picked up and also not interrupt the live class.
- Students will be given the set of rules on how and when a student can ask questions during a live classroom by the teacher who is taking the live class.
- Students should wait for their turn and do not interrupt classmates in a live classroom/video conference. We all have to be a little more patient while others are expressing their ideas.
- Students found copying or plagiarizing will face the consequences. Assignments have to be done on time and the students have to do it on their own.
Key Principles and Rules: Parents
- ICT including the internet, learning platforms, email and mobile technologies has become an important part of learning in our school. We expect all students to be safe and responsible when using any ICT.
- It is essential that students are aware of e-safety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT. Parents should talk with their children about safe and appropriate Web sites and activities.
If a student is found violating any of the above-mentioned rules or engaging in any other conduct that disrupts the learning platform, material, E-Mail, or the reputation of a student, teacher or school will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Any inappropriate use will be considered a disciplinary offence which may result in exclusion, and/or referral to law enforcement agencies.
Information Technology Act, 2000 (and any other future relevant laws as introduced by the state or country government)