
Entrepreneurial education for our learners…

Parents, caregivers and educators often wonder - are they doing enough for children to be independent and be prepared for the future? Are they challenged enough to go above and beyond? The answer to these questions is a learning environment that is fluid, dynamic, and relevant enough to prepare the youth for opportunities ahead. Today, complex skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation and collaboration have become quintessential for every job. These prerequisites can be very conveniently integrated under entrepreneurial learning as it gives them an access to all the advanced skills essential for the future success of this generation.

Entrepreneurial education nurtures business mind-sets, attitude and skills wrapping a wide range of facets such as idea generation, start-up, growth, innovation and creativity under it. It is a life-long learning process that can start as early as elementary level and continue through all levels of education. There are several reasons why schools should embed entrepreneurial education in the existing curriculum:

Preparing learners for the future:

Innovative learning contributes to skills like innovation, adaption, resilience, critical thinking, risk-taking, problem-solving communication and teamwork and flexibility which improves the chances of their future employability. In this economy, which is evolving every minute, teaching, modelling and engaging students in entrepreneurial opportunities have become the need of the hour. Entrepreneurial learning not only fall in line with academic curriculum and helps them to pave out their way to success.

Promoting creativity, innovation and collaboration:

Integrating these skills in the curriculum could be done to make entrepreneurship less of an idea and more of a viable possibility for students. It aids students to think outside the box and nurture their unconventional talents and skills. Students can learn critical life skills like rational thinking and brainstorming, budgeting, taking the risk, facing failure positively, budgeting, business strategies, investing and money management. It plays a key role in developing an ecosystem that promotes innovation and creativity.

Being job creator and not a job seeker:

Experts believe that entrepreneurship is one of the key facets of our economy as it drives the employment and economic growth. An entrepreneur bears the power to transform the world through innovation and introduction of new technologies, products and services. They are huge contributors to building a society that is richer, adept and technically advanced. By exposing children to innovation opens their eyes and helps them understand the potential of being an entrepreneur. Making entrepreneurship a much-needed skill set for learners to hone as it gives them the power to transform from being job seekers to creators.

Aligning with all job skills:

Incorporating entrepreneurial skills into education is not all about inspiring students to start up their own company, it rather about instilling qualities of creativity, passion, resilience, innovation, discipline and confidence in them. It is a learning that demonstrates how to be proactive, teaches money management, increases their risk-taking appetite and most importantly coaches them on how to make peace with failure. Entrepreneurial education helps to acquire distinctive traits that can line-up with any career making it pertinent to be edified to children as early as possible.

Children need to be well aware and equipped with the right skills and talent to have a successful career. Entrepreneurial culture and training play a huge role in arming them with these precise skills and aptitude. Considering this, Epistemo has undertaken numerous programs like STEAM, TEDx, MUN, Robotics, TEDed clubs and many more to promote these skills. By integrating this skillset in our curriculum, we can develop an ecosystem that promotes rational thinking and analytical skills as it aids students to think outside the box, nurture their unexplored talents and expertise essential for them to strive for success in the 21st century.

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